About Pro ME

Pro ME Team

The world of work has changed and it isn’t slowing down.  Increasing competitiveness, globalisation, generational shifts in the workplace and technological progress. This new environment is dynamic allowing for more flexibility and career opportunities.

Great news.

However, it also means to successfully reach your full career potential and strategically manage multiple career transitions – you need career decision making and management skills and guidance from a qualified career counsellor.

That’s where we come in…

Think of us as your Career Strategist.

We offer a range of career counselling services to assist students, recent graduates, parents returning to work, people with injury, illness or disability and people looking to transition to the next level; moving from ‘just a job’ to ‘satisfying career’.

Career fulfilment and happiness starts with getting to know yourself. What is going to give meaning and purpose to your life every day? We don’t give you the answer – we partner with you taking a collaborative approach to reveal your version of success.

Founded in 2019, we are a boutique career counselling service with a mission to develop, empower, and grow a person’s capability whilst helping them achieve career contentment.

Signs That You Need Pro ME:

  • Don’t feel valued or enjoy your work
  • Monday-itis all week
  • Envious of others’ success
  • No work-life balance
  • You’re not being challenged
  • Watching the clock
  • Given up on your dream
  • Lack meaning and passion