We help people find jobs! Whether you’re a student, a parent, or just want a new job, we can help you. We work together to find out what you’re good at and what you like, and then we make a plan to help you get the job you want. It’s all about making you happy and excited about your work!
We help people find jobs that they will enjoy. We talk about what you like to do and what you are good at, and then we make a plan to help you get the job you want.
We help you write a resume and letter that tells your future employer about your skills and strengths. This way, they will know all about you and how good you will be at your new job.
We teach you how to find job openings. This can be done online or by talking to people you know. We will also teach you the best way to apply for the job.
We help you practice and get ready to attend interviews with potential employers. We help you plan on what to talk about and how to act so you will feel confident.
We help make sure that your new job is a good fit for you. If you need extra help, we can talk to your manager to make things easier for you.
We will help you find jobs that fit your skills, interests, and abilities. We will talk to you about what you like to do and what you are good at, and then we will make a plan to help you find the right job for you.
In our first meeting, we will get to know each other and talk about your interests, skills, and strengths. We'll also discuss any personal things that may affect your choices about jobs. Our team of career counselors has lots of experience, and we'll help you figure out what you want to do for work and how to get there. We'll work together to find ways to overcome any challenges and provide you with the tools and support you need to reach your career goals.
We will work with you one-on-one to provide support that is tailored to your unique needs. Our focus will be on discovering what you're good at, what's important to you, and your skills. We will guide you to align your work goals with your overall wellbeing and provide guidance on how to achieve them.
We offer one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to your individual needs. We may use tools like the Morrisby Assessment Profile to help you understand your strengths, interests, and abilities. This will help you make informed decisions about your future career and training paths, ultimately improving your overall quality of life.
After the sessions, you'll get a report and a personalised plan that tells you how you're doing now, what you're good at, what's challenging, and what you want to do in your job and life. The plan will give you steps to reach your goals and overcome any problems. It might also suggest things like how to manage stress, how to use your time well, and where to find help with your career.
Once you've started your volunteer, paid work, or training activities, we'll continue to support you to make sure you succeed. This includes more coaching sessions to help you overcome any difficulties you may face, and resources and tools to help you manage stress, stay strong, and maintain your wellbeing.
We have many locations in Melbourne where you can come to meet with us face-to-face, or we can connect with you remotely via MS Teams or phone.
We will customise our services to meet your individual needs and goals, and our experienced Career Development practitioners will work with you to determine which features are most suitable for you. We will provide the support and guidance you need to find and maintain relevant and sustainable employment, ensuring your success in the workplace.